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Fast Eddie - 20th Century Fox - Atari 2600    Manual Scan icon HTML Manual   

Fast Eddie

     TO SET UP:

     Set up your video computer system and left joystick controller as
     instructed in your manufacturer's manual.  Turn the power OFF and
     insert the Fast Eddie game cartridge.

     TO BEGIN:

     Turn the power ON.  Use the Game Select lever to select a Difficulty
     Level, one through eight.  (The Difficulty Switches are not used in 
     Fast Eddie.)  Press the Game Reset lever or the joystick button to 
     leave the "Demo Mode" and get ready, here comes Fast Eddie!


     Your objective is to help Eddie capture as many floating prizes as he
     can jump up and grab.  You must keep Eddie hoppong over the pesky
     little Sneakers while quiding him up, down and around the screen.


     Tilting your joystick left and right makes Eddie run back and forth
     across each florr and tilting the joystick forward and backward gets 
     him climbing up and down the ladders.  Pressing the joystick button 
     makes Eddie jump.  For a big leap, press the button while Eddie is 

     Press the Color-B/W lever to pause and start the game at any time
     during play.


     Sneakers are the little critters who guard the prizes and they love
     nothing better then to trip up Fast Eddie.  Eddie's only defense is 
     to climb to another floor or hop over the little pests.  Different 
     sizes and combinations of Sneakers appear in each play level.  Eddie
     can hurdle all of them, with a little practice, except for the world's
     tallest Sneaker, High-Top, who guards the upper floor.  Every time 
     Eddie grabs a prize, High-Top gets shorter until Eddie is able to jump
     over him too!


     Each new screen of Fast Eddie has a total of ten floating prizes that
     will appear two at a time.  It's Eddie's job to hop up and grab as many 
     as possible.  After he's snagged nine prizes, a key appears directly 
     above High-Top, which Eddie must also jump and grap.  Snatching the tenth
     prize is optional, but worth 90 extra points.  After Eddie gets the key,
     it's on to the next screen and new prizes!
     You begin each game with four Fast Eddies.  Each time you snatch a key,
     you get a bonus Eddie.  You are limited to three bonus Eddies at any
     one time.  The number of reserve Eddies is displayed by bars located
     under the score.  When your last Eddie is tripped up, the game ends.
     Learn to jump while running toward an oncomming Sneaker.  This gives
     you the longest leap, and is the best way to play the game successfully.
     Another strategy is to jump when you're right against the edge of the
     screen.  The Sneakers will run under you and either pass by or bounce
     back before you come down.
     Eddie is always safe while on a Ladder, but you must be extra careful
     when Eddie is on Ladders that align.  A heavey hand on the joystick
     will have Eddie climbing up and down Ladders out of control.

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From [email protected] Thu Feb 22 00:33:37 1996
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From: Eddie Beiles 
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Subject: Fast Eddie Instructions
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     TO SET UP:

     Set up your video computer system and left joystick controller as
     instructed in your manufacturer's manual.  Turn the power OFF and
     insert the Fast Eddie game cartridge.

     TO BEGIN:

     Turn the power ON.  Use the Game Select lever to select a Difficulty
     Level, one through eight.  (The Difficulty Switches are not used in 
     Fast Eddie.)  Press the Game Reset lever or the joystick button to 
     leave the "Demo Mode" and get ready, here comes Fast Eddie!


     Your objective is to help Eddie capture as many floating prizes as he
     can jump up and grab.  You must keep Eddie hoppong over the pesky
     little Sneakers while quiding him up, down and around the screen.


     Tilting your joystick left and right makes Eddie run back and forth
     across each florr and tilting the joystick forward and backward gets 
     him climbing up and down the ladders.  Pressing the joystick button 
     makes Eddie jump.  For a big leap, press the button while Eddie is 

     Press the Color-B/W lever to pause and start the game at any time
     during play.


     Sneakers are the little critters who guard the prizes and they love
     nothing better then to trip up Fast Eddie.  Eddie's only defense is 
     to climb to another floor or hop over the little pests.  Different 
     sizes and combinations of Sneakers appear in each play level.  Eddie
     can hurdle all of them, with a little practice, except for the world's
     tallest Sneaker, High-Top, who guards the upper floor.  Every time 
     Eddie grabs a prize, High-Top gets shorter until Eddie is able to jump
     over him too!


     Each new screen of Fast Eddie has a total of ten floating prizes that
     will appear two at a time.  It's Eddie's job to hop up and grab as many 
     as possible.  After he's snagged nine prizes, a key appears directly 
     above High-Top, which Eddie must also jump and grap.  Snatching the tenth
     prize is optional, but worth 90 extra points.  After Eddie gets the key,
     it's on to the next screen and new prizes!
     You begin each game with four Fast Eddies.  Each time you snatch a key,
     you get a bonus Eddie.  You are limited to three bonus Eddies at any
     one time.  The number of reserve Eddies is displayed by bars located
     under the score.  When your last Eddie is tripped up, the game ends.
     Learn to jump while running toward an oncomming Sneaker.  This gives
     you the longest leap, and is the best way to play the game successfully.
     Another strategy is to jump when you're right against the edge of the
     screen.  The Sneakers will run under you and either pass by or bounce
     back before you come down.
     Eddie is always safe while on a Ladder, but you must be extra careful
     when Eddie is on Ladders that align.  A heavey hand on the joystick
     will have Eddie climbing up and down Ladders out of control.

This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, �1997-1998 by Greg Chance