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Tips, Cheats, and Easter Eggs


Batter Up!
The bat will be stuck in any castle if he's flying in a straight-up, diagonally up or straight-across direction. Also, he can NEVER deviate from whatever route he's on, inside or outside a castle, without locating an object to head for. This obviously means that you don't want any objects lying around inside the castle to which you've chosen to sentence him (I suggest the smallest -- the Gold Castle); but it also means that after you've grabbed him, you don't want to bring him through any rooms with objects in them as you carry him to the castle. Just because he doesn't break free of your grip doesn't mean his forthcoming "target direction" hasn't changed. If he's spotted something he wants, he'll fly off on a different trajectory than when you grabbed him. You can plan to make sure that all of the items you drag him past are to his north, but it's easier just to move everything to a remote place before positioning yourself to snatch him.

Eat Your Heart Out, Rhindle
If you keep your cursor-guy pushing downward against any surface, a dragon can't swallow him. This goes for horizontal movement along a surface as well; just make sure to keep pushing (diagonally) downward at the same time you move.

Programmer Credit
Select game 2 or 3 and enter the maze in the Black Castle. Move screen to the left of the first maze screen. At the bottom center of this room is a closed cubicle. Use the bridge to enter that area and collect the "dot". Carry this item to the screen just above the catacombs, located one screen down and to the right of the Gold Castle. Note: The "dot" is the same color as the ground outside, so care must be taken not to lose it in transit. Drop the "dot" here, and bring two other items onto the same screen. Move through the line on the right side of the screen to view the programmer credits.

Slow end music
Press Select immediately after ending the game to hear the ending music played very slowly.

Walk over title screen
Start game play, then press Select to view the game selection screen, with the game number displayed in the center. Press Down to have your character appear and move over this screen.

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