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Tips, Cheats, and Easter Eggs

Atari Karts

Level Codes
   Green          Ice            Circus         Desert         Hell
   #1   (none)    #21  26481912  #41  99799799  #61  69556532  #81  99589435
   #2   69317691  #22  37736169  #42  71394421  #62  92826938  #82  26997667
   #3   32585431  #23  29329995  #43  37118763  #63  38293232  #83  72143164
   #4   53199313  #24  25849779  #44  51776684  #64  92729513  #84  25454616
   #5   95568176  #25  44694221  #45  99584621  #65  23835728  #85  99162722
   #6   14799741  #26  25259781  #46  96193782  #66  46365977  #86  15969299
   #7   99112932  #27  26827251  #47  55992751  #67  42127597  #87  22789619
   #8   25579427  #28  37495714  #48  75326691  #68  59744212  #88  19783692
   #9   94554648  #29  25899273  #49  36296862  #69  66652545  #89  32927721
   #10  95555366  #30  25141462  #50  17228223  #70  92969395  #90  19892933
   #11  95532656  #31  98435959  #51  75478824  #71  22169481  #91  99997799
   #12  22938689  #32  69667792  #52  67788234  #72  93671736  #92  17214394
   #13  89232323  #33  24164317  #53  13324585  #73  52999329  #93  33677118
   #14  22513979  #34  55616442  #54  35133199  #74  92757849  #94  45816776
   #15  33728582  #35  96722219  #55  69751568  #75  14242694  #95  19296584
   #16  66977534  #36  56299991  #56  11447799  #76  12857259  #96  29867193
   #17  22597714  #37  28619972  #57  29399112  #77  12562827  #97  15557992
   #18  94212475  #38  98692371  #58  72254579  #78  43177495  #98  17956326
   #19  65545266  #39  22721793  #59  89446554  #79  32752899  #99  23668296
   #20  26395999  #40  99933281  #60  69653555  #80  22654141  #100 31272228

Spinning Track
Turn left or right and press Pause(2) while driving through one of the puddles on any California Highway track.

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